Ghana’s Cocobod organisation reports doubling of national cocoa consumption

The rate of cocoa consumption in Ghana has reportedly more than doubled in the country, from 0.45kg to 1kg due to regional industry interventions, according to the Ghana Cocoa Board.

As the organisation noted during its recent National Chocolate Week, the Deputy Chief Executive, Finance and Administration of Cocobod, Emmanuel Ray Ankrah, told media in the region that there had been a shift in consumption patterns within the country.

Moreover, as Confectionery Production has previously reported, there has been a broader move by governments in Ghana and Ivory Coast to improve rates of cocoa consumption within confectionery categories, with the two countries seeking to raise the level of domestic processing of the key agricultural crop that remains vital to the global chocolate market.

Significantly, the region’s cocoa supplies have been attaining significantly high prices over the past few months, in excess of $5000 a tonne, which has seen the market face considerable pressure, resulting in retail prices continuing to increase around the world. However, as market observers have noted, while farmers have received a pay increase in both Ghana and Ivory Coast within the past few months, this has yet to see them attain living income wage levels.

According to Cocobod, Ray Ankrah cited several key factors that had improved cocoa consumption rates, namely through its Chocolate Week that engaged communities in appreciation of cocoa-related products, and also reported that there would be sufficient cocoa supplies to meet heightened consumer demand.

He said: “Through targeted campaigns, educational initiatives, and collaborative efforts with stakeholders, we have witnessed a gradual shift in consumer attitudes towards locally produced cocoa products and this has translated into the realization of a per capita consumption of 1kg.

“‘Of course, we cannot be complacent about this accomplishment, especially given the fact that elsewhere in Europe and the Americas, per capita cocoa consumption ranges from 7kg to 11kg. Instead, we feel more motivated to consolidate the gains made and enhance our key strategic focus areas to achieve maximum impact.”


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