Spotlight: Accurate labelling and coding systems for confectionery can prevent costly recalls
Confectionery Production considers the challenges in labelling and coding, and how technology can help to prevent costly recalls. Daisy Phillipson reports
Business news, Ingredients, New products, Packaging, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
Focus: On-pack nutritional and ethical labelling becoming core to consumer confidence
UK-based industry research and training body Campden BRI has found that consumers pay more attention to on-pack claims related to nutrition, sustainability, ethical issues, ‘clean label’ and provenance than to sensory-based claims such as “great taste”.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, Packaging, Processing, Sustainability
German confectionery body BDSI offers cautious welcome to EU wide labelling
Germany’s national confectionery body, the BDSI has welcomed the Federal Government continued support for Europe-wide introduction of visualised nutrition labelling, reports Neill Barston.
Business news, Ingredients, New products, Regulatory, Sustainability
Bunge Loders Croklaan responds with solutions for EU drive on nutrition labelling
Netherlands-based oils and fats specialist Bunge Loders Croklaan (BLC) is set to increase its focus on reformulation solutions within the confectionery and bakery sector, as European businesses prepare for front of pack nutrition labelling requirements.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
Study shows product labelling falls short on clarity
A host of leading food and beverage products, including those within the confectionery, bakery and snacks market, do not offer the clear labelling that consumers want, according to new research.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Food safety, Ingredients, New products, Packaging, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
Mettler-Toledo releases product inspection systems for range labelling
Equipment specialist Mettler-Toledo Product Inspection has unveiled two new Product Data Check technology options to be integrated into existing C-Series checkweighers.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Food safety, Packaging, Processing, Regulatory
Russian confectionery market upturn forecast to be short lived amid coronavirus
The coronavirus pandemic and its quarantine measures in Russia have resulted in a significant increase of the demand and sales of confectionery products within the local market. Regional market analyst Eugene Gerden reports
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Food safety, Ingredients, New products, Packaging, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
Euromonitor releases study on key vegetarian, organic and gluten-free confectionery claims
The Euromonitor research group has released its latest white paper on confectionery, which highlights that in 2019, vegetarian, organic and gluten-free were the top-three online product claims.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, New products, Packaging, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
FDA issues guidance on new nutrition labelling
The Food and Drug Administration has issued additional information to help manufacturers of packaged foods comply with the latest regulations on Nutrition Facts labelling in the US.
Wrapping systems tackle major industry production challenges
Confectionery Production discusses the latest developments in wrap packaging systems and how to invest in an uncertain global marketplace. Daisy Phillipson reports
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Food safety, New products, Processing, Sustainability
Herma invests €20 million developing new labelling systems facility
German-based Herma has invested €20 million into the creation of a new labelling machine and label applicator facility at its headquarters in Filderstadt near Stuttgart.
Ten years of OPRL
Founded in 2009 by a group of retailers and brands, the On-Pack Recycling Label celebrates a decade of recycling advice, as public readiness for radical action reaches tipping point.
VideoJet’s Scan2Run feature expands printer capabilities
Videojet Technologies, a coding, marking and printing solutions provider, has introduced an optional Scan2Run functionality for its Videojet 1860 continuous inkjet (CIJ) printer.
Natural flavours and colours proving major confectionery trends
Confectionery Production looks at the cutting-edge trends in colours and flavours for the bakery and confectionery sectors, and why the industry is saying “go natural, or go home”. Daisy Phillipson reports.