Oreo teams up with Sour Patch Kids for mischievous new cookie launch
Following continued brand growth, Oreo is forging a limited edition Sour Patch Kids cookie series ahead of Mondelez International’s return to Sweets & Snacks Expo, which heads to Indianapolis in the US next month, writes Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, New products, Regulatory, Sustainability
Ferrero business CTH invest begins negotiations to acquire French snacks firm Michel et Augustin
A Ferrero-related business, CTH invest, has confirmed that it has started exclusive negotiations for a full acquisition of French-based snacks and biscuit firm, Michel et Augustin from Danone, writes Neill Barston.
Walker’s shortbread marks 125th anniversary year with turnover upturn
Scotland’s Walker’s Shortbread is in celebratory mood after witnessing its annual turnover climb by 16%, rising from £142.4m to £164.6m, driven by US and UK markets, reports Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, Packaging, Sustainability
McVitie’s classic biscuit range gains additional milk chocolate mini series
The pladis snacking group has delivered a further range extension to its bestselling McVitie’s biscuit series with two a new series of mini milk chocolate digestives, writes Neill Barston.
Fox’s Burton’s explores energy saving measures for biscuit production
A key development from Fox’s Burton’s Companies, owned by a Ferrero business, has been confirmed as it undertakes a project with 42 Technology (42T) investigating electrification of its gas-fired industrial baking ovens for biscuits and other products to help cut carbon emissions.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
Special focus: Preparing for the future of biscuits and cookies
Confectionery Production examines the latest innovations in cookie and biscuit products and technology, and how they are meeting trends while ensuring compliance with health and sustainability requirements. Daisy Phillipson reports
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, New products, Processing, Sustainability
Mondelēz hails annual growth, with European and US operations performing strongly
The European and US operations of Mondelēz International helped secure improved annual net revenues up 9.7% to $31.49 billion, as the business also delivered encouraging results for its fourth quarter, reports Neill Barston.
Lotus Bakeries gains major national retailing list for milk chocolate cream tablet
Lotus Bakeries has gained a key debut national retail listing for its Milk Chocolate Biscoff Cream tablet, through Co-op stores, writes Neill Barston.
Mondelēz International reports quarterly growth driven by strong biscuit and chocolate sales
Mondelēz International has recorded a strong sales upturn, with its second quarter results delivering $7.3 billion net revenues, up 9.5% year-on-year, with its chocolate and biscuit interests delivering key growth, reports Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, New products, Packaging, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
Mondelēz International reveals results upturn for 2022 first quarter
Mondelēz International has delivered its first quarter results, which show net revenue growth of 7.3% to $7.7 billion, boosted by a notable performance by its chocolate and biscuit businesses, reports Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, Sustainability
UK’s Fox’s Biscuits and Burton’s Biscuits confirm merger deal
The UK’s Burton’s Biscuit Company has confirmed a deal to merge with Fox’s Biscuits to form Fox’s Burton’s Companies (FBC), UK, writes Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, New products, Regulatory, Sustainability
CAOBISCO joins call to end US trade dispute over steel and aluminium
CAOBISCO, the European chocolate, biscuits and confectionery trade association, has joined with a number of other leading industry bodies seeking to end an ongoing EU trade dispute with the US impacting on steel and aluminium supplies, writes Neill Barston.
Business news, Ingredients, New products, Regulatory, Sustainability
Biscuit Boutique delivers latest range combining confectionery and fine art
Premium confectionery brand Biscuit Boutique, specialising in combining porcelain painting with chocolate biscuit Bonbons, has delivered a new recipe targeting UK customers, writes Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, New products, Sustainability
Nearly 500 jobs set to be lost at McVities Tollcross factory, as closure plans confirmed
Despite calls for Scottish government intervention backed by a public campaign, pladis has confirmed its plans to close its key Tollcross biscuit production facility in Glasgow, with nearly 500 jobs set to be axed, writes Neill Barston.