Herza Schokolade responds to demand for high protein chocolate

An increasing trend for high-protein products has seen Herza Schokolade develop a new range of chocolate pieces, which have also been developed as low-sugar variants.

As the company explained, consumer research has found an enhanced demmand for food with increased nutritional values that is perceived as offering a healthier options.

The new range consists of protein chocolate in various shapes. In each case there is a choice between white chocolate enriched with milk protein and milk or dark chocolate with extra vegetable protein. Protein content for all chocolate and shapes is between 20 and 25 percent, with small crispies, fruit pieces or fruit powder adding additional taste.

According to the company the shapes of its protein chocolate depends on the application and particular customer requirements. Cereal manufacturers, for example, may enrich their protein muesli with high-protein chocolate leaves to specifically address athletes and health-conscious consumers who will not want to miss their chocolate muesli.

In addition, larger chunks of chocolate can potentially be worked into bakery products or ice cream with no trouble at all because of special formulations. Also, they are very easy to melt and to be used as a coating for bars, wafers or other protein-enriched confectionery.

Herza offers a new quark compound coating specially for ice cream varieties such as quark or skyr ice and also frozen yoghurt. These chopped pieces also contain between 20 and 25 percent protein. Integrated lime crispies give the high-protein pieces a fresh taste that also goes well with quark or skyr desserts. In a two-chamber system, these quark compound pieces can also be a delicious addition to high-protein desserts based on milk.

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