KitKat takes its Have a Break slogan as inspiration for latest screen ad campaign

A fun-filled advertising campaign has been launched to promote its flagship KitKat brand, honing in on the importance of taking some quality time out to recharge our collective batteries, writes Neill Barston.

Confectionery Production recently attended a key launch of the brand’s Income Accelerator scheme, in which the business outlined its support for cocoa supply chains through a number of major community engagement schemes. The business has linked-up with Rainforest Alliance (which will be appearing at our World Confectionery Conference on 12 September) for the initiative, providing vital sourcing certification frameworks for the Swiss-headquartered company.

We also returned behind the scenes at its York site, which is responsible for producing over a billion KitKats a year, standing as a primary production location for the iconic brand (watch our report below).

As for its latest campaign, the business has taken its classic ‘Have a break, Have a KitKat’ as a starting point for the tongue-in-cheek television advert, which features Queen’s classic “I Want to Break Free” as its soundtrack.

Notably, as the company’s research from Kantar across five markets found, people may feel they take enough time-outs, yet  just 34% of shoppers say they often take breaks that are of good quality.

In the major screen advert (which can be seen here), a man in a bustling office contends with a swarm of paperwork, post it notes and office tech that cling to him like magnets. The day-to-day paraphernalia only drops to the floor once he opens a 4 finger KitKat and snaps the crispy chocolate wafer bar.

As the company added, whether people feel they have less control over their schedule, increasing time pressures, are busy multitasking, or are simply not able to switch off their minds; many are spending their breaks either distracted or interrupted.

Marketing Lead for KitKat UK & Ireland, Stephanie Scales, said: “We’re incredibly excited to see what people think of our new ad campaign which is set to the world-famous track ‘I Want to Break Free’ by Queen.”

“What we’ve found is that even when we take a break, we still find it hard to disengage from distractions like the to-do list and group chat messages. We want people to be able to take better, uninterrupted breaks. This is brought to life in the campaign by seeing someone who is trying to take a break but finds their daily tasks and various office supplies sticking to them as they try to leave the room.”

“The campaign is built on the fact that we know people are taking breaks, it’s the quality of them that needs to be better. We’ve been pushing for people to Have a Break, Have a KitKat for decades. This campaign builds on that by championing better, uninterrupted breaks.”

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