Shades of Aqua: 2020’s biggest colour trend

The biggest food and beverage colour trend for 2020 will be shades of aqua, with vivid blues and greens set to drive innovation as consumers seek products that re-connect them with nature.

The forecast has been made by GNT Group, supplier of Exberry Colouring Foods, which said that demand for Shades of Aqua will also be powered by “a quest for holistic wellbeing” and demand for new and unique food and beverage experiences that will pop out when shared on social media.

Maartje Hendrickx, GNT’s market development manager, said: “Shades of Aqua evoke marine environments and mountain landscapes, conveying a sense of health and wholesomeness and strong links with the outdoors. Green is rooted in nature. It is a positive identifier for nutrition and signifies freshness and organic goodness. Blue evokes the ocean garden. It conveys a sense of relaxation and calm and is impactful on social media.”

To enable food and beverage companies to harness the appeal of the next colour trend, GNT has developed a range of green and blue Exberry Coloring Foods with clean-label appeal. They are made from spirulina, an algae that contains phycocyanin, a naturally occurring colouring component. They are ideal as a replacement for artificial colourants, including brilliant blue and patent blue, and other additives such as copper chlorophyllin.

Maartje Hendrickx added: “Shoppers want food and beverage products that are ‘clean’ and ‘simple’. Exberry Coloring Foods are aligned with this because they are made using only physical processes and never with chemical solvents. They aren’t additives – they’re foods. They can be eaten at any stage of the manufacturing process and they qualify for cleaner and simpler label declarations.”

GNT’s food & beverage color prediction is aligned with the influential Pantone colour forecast, which also places greens and blues center-stage.

Shades of Aqua Coloring Foods will be at the heart of GNT’s new Love Color with Exberry initiative for 2020. It will also be a primary focus at Food Ingredients Europe, which takes place from 3-5 December 2019 in Paris, France. GNT will exhibit on Stand 6C80.

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