Chocolat Madagascar claims fresh breakthrough with ISM unroasted range

Chocolat Madagascar's Neil Kelsall at 2022's ISM, which was subject to pandemic restrictions. It returns with a key new line for 2024. Pic: Neill Barston

Chocolat Madagascar is returning to ISM with another confectionery breakthrough in the form of its new Unroasted Cacao (RAW) Single Origin Chocolate Couverture Drops, reports Neill Barston.

As the business noted, its latest product offers a key point of difference thanks to its unique manufacturing process by the Malagasy Chocolaterie Robert team in Antananarivo.

The innovative business, which has previously claimed honours from the Academy of Chocolate, has placed its focus on sustainable delivery of products firmly developed and made in the region.

As noted, the cacao seeds, including Criollo-Trinitario and Forastero varieties, are grown, fermented, and dried in the Sambirano region of north-west Madagascar. This area is known for its rich unique terroir, contributing to the cacao’s fine fruity flavour.

Furthermore, as the company explained,  fermentation is a critical step to develop the natural  compounds that give chocolate its desirable flavour. This process raises the temperature to over 40°C, essential for flavour development.

The company has placed its innovation focus on its processing – unlike typical chocolate making, where fermented cacao is roasted at over 140°C to develop chocolaty flavours and eliminate harmful bacteria—a process that also reduces the health-benefiting flavanols/antioxidants—Chocolat Madagascar’s new method does not roast the cacao, hence preserves more of these important nutrients, whilst removing harmful bacteria

The cacao is not subjected to any chemical treatment to eliminate bacteria or to hot roasting, which ensures a higher retention of antioxidants.

Significantly, the process does not involve alkalisation, which usually reduces acidity but destroys antioxidants. Instead, acidity is reduced through a lengthy conching process, enhancing the chocolate’s smoothness and texture. The, the chocolate is finely ground to less than 20 microns, guaranteeing a smooth mouthfeel.

This variant has no added sugar and is high in fibre and flavanols, catering to those who prefer the pure and intense dark citrus flavours. It uses vegan Raw 70% Cacao with 30% Sugar: A blend that offers richness with a touch of sweetness, also high in fiber and flavanols.

Each variety can blended by the Chef to own bespoke requirements, and equally as importantly, Chocolat Madagascar’s full production approach creates much more economic value in Madagascar through the ORIGIN +, Raisetrade initiatives, compared to the typical export of cacao to more economically developed.

This ethical and sustainable method benefits the local economy and communities through creating more diverse jobs, paying taxes and promoting the true origin.

“These Unroasted Cacao Chocolate Couverture Drops from Chocolat Madagascar offer chefs a unique opportunity to craft extraordinary desserts and chocolates. They are not only delicious but also cater to the health-conscious consumers. This new addition to the Chocolat Madagascar family is a testament to the brand’s commitment to quality, health, and sustainability.” Remarks Neil Kelsall, Director.

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