Schubert claims Ruby Award for innovation at Sweets & Snacks Expo

Schubert has gained honours at the Sweets & Snacks Expo in Indianapolis, US, as the business attains the Ruby Award for supplier innovation, writes Neill Barston.

The company was among visitors to the opening supplier showcase event linked to the core event which begins this morning.

Speaking to Confectionery Production, Hartmut Siegel, of Schubert North America, welcomed the company’s latest honours for its Cobot system, which the business has unveiled recently to strong industry acclaim.

He said: “We had wanted to attend Sweets and Snacks previously, but had not been able to during Covid, so this is our second award, the first being for our Partbox pre-printing system. So it is good to be recognised as a leader in technology and very innovative company.

“We believe that packaging machines  will go through a transformation in the next few years, with machines getting smaller, as well as making use of artificial intelligence, which is what the Cobot represents.

“This isn’t just an ordinary show here at Sweets and Snacks for the supplier event, where you are recognised by a  community of confectionery and sweets producers, which is actually of much higher value than a machinery award.”

The supplier showcase element of Sweets & Snacks continues this morning, with a total of more than 200 businesses represented this year.

This has spanned the full supplier value chain, from equipment and systems firms, through to ingredients companies, with visitors to the showcase hailing from across North America, as well as a number of international attendees.

As the organisers of the event, NCA noted at the opening award ceremony, the supplier showcase forms a valuable element of the overall show, as a key link to the manufacturing processes of the wider industry.

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