German confectionery market offers a glimmer of Christmas cheer with increased volume of chocolate Santas

Berlin, Merci chocolate (shutterstock)
An increased grand annual total of 169 million chocolate Santas have been made this season by the Germany confectionery sector, despite the industry being hit by major energy crisis and inflationary challenges, writes Neill Barston.
The Latest figures from the country’s BDSI sweets trade association have shown an increase of 5.6% over the previous year, amid higher order numbers from the grocery sector, and positive momentum with export business, in spite of wider general logistics and trading difficulties.
As previously reported by Confectionery Production, the industry reported potential shortages of labour for the Christmas season amid the mounting array of challenges that have threatened the viability of the business.
“In difficult and uncertain political times, it is evident that confectionery is one of the belong to the small joys of everyday life. This is especially true for the popular ones Chocolate Santa Clauses for the upcoming St. Nicholas Day and Christmas bring a lot of joy,” says Dr. Carsten Bernoth, General Manager of the BDSI.
Around two thirds of those Santas made (about 109 million) of those produced in Germany within the past few weeks will be destined for domestic markets, with the remainder due to travel to European markets, the UK, USA and Eastern Europe.
As the BDSI noted, the nation’s manufacturers have become renowned for delivering a wide array of options, from milk chocolate, white varieties, and praline options, through to higher cocoa content chocolate offerings of varying size, design and shapes. There is also a growing reported trade in vegan Santa-based confectionery.