Time to shine again with our awards at the World Confectionery Conference

An especially significant element of our World Confectionery Conference in Brussels this September is set to take shape with our annual World Confectionery Awards, which this year have been enhanced to include an additional category of best emerging enterprise.

This accolade will be open to companies that are no more than three to five years old, and from any segment of the confectionery and snacks industry, which has been introduced to acknowledge special achievements during what has proved an unprecedented level of disruption surrounding the global pandemic and beyond.

If you’ve yet to register to be part of the day on 12 September, which also includes an additional chocolate tasting experience on 13 September, then you can do so through our dedicated website at confectioneryconference.comĀ  so please do so as soon as possible this summer in order to aid our event planning. There’s nothing quite like getting together with like-minded industry members from across equipment, systems, ingredients and wider industry circles, so your presence is very much valued.

With our fourth edition of the conference marking Confectionery Production’s 90th anniversary, there will be an especially strong mood of celebration in the air, and this is our prime chance as a publication to mingle with our peers right across the business. From small, independent firms, through to major corporations, we have been proud to serve the industry over the years, so it’s only fitting that we offer something in return through offering well-deserved honours for the industry.

The remainder of our categories include awards for best Sustainability initiative, equipment innovation, ingredients breakthrough, best finished product, and team of the year- marking a specific project success within any area of the sector’s rich and vibrant work.

So, please don’t be shy in putting forward your free entries – there is no cost involved to enter, and certainly no catches. These are genuine accolades that will be scrutinised by our editorial board – and judging by the previous high calibre of entries, we are anticipating that will very much be the case this time around. While we fully appreciate it takes a little time to put together an entry, but all we require is a short description of around 200 words on why your entry is a deserving one, and that’s it, done and dusted. The only exception to this is for our finished product category, where we will require a sample to be sent to our head office in Kent (see details at our dedicated website here: confectioneryconference.com/awards

More than anything, the awards create a much-needed feel-good factor that round-off our World Confectionery Conference live event. So we sincerely hope you find them of value, and welcome those entries – the sooner the better. The final deadline for these will be the third week in August, but we would greatly welcome those entries by the end of July to ensure a smooth judging process and to ensure we have time to process all submissions.

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Confectionery Production