Italian snacks business Crosta & Mollica to rebrand following consumer feedback

Italian Food brand Crosta & Mollica is taking on a rebranding move to Crust & Crumb, the English translation of its name, after feedback suggesting Brits have struggled with its pronunciation, writes Neill Barston.

As the business explained to Confectionery Production, research had found a disappointing level of consumers unable to get its name correct, with many shoppers reportedly referring to it as ‘the one with the stripy packaging’ in reference to its striking black-and-white designs across its snacks, pizzas and frozen desserts.

According to the company, it was ‘left with no choice’ other than to embrace a new name that rolls off the public’s tongue with ease, alleviating shoppers common hesitation around unfamiliar pronunciations and puzzled looks across the dining table.

Dean Lavender, Marketing Director comments: “Here at Crosta & Mollica we’re proud to be a brand that is made in Italy, using Italian ingredients and as such have a beautiful Italian name. But after years of listening to pizza lovers in the UK fumble over an attempted pronunciation or simply refer to us as ‘the stripy brand’, it’s time for a change.”

“Today we announce that we are officially rebranding. You can now call us ‘Crust & Crumb’, the direct English translation of Crosta & Mollica. We hope supermarket shoppers will now be able to pronounce their favourite pizza brand, without hesitation. ”

The brand rename, Crust & Crumb, will come into effect from the start of April. rolling out across all international retailers. All foodie enthusiasts can finally talk about their favourite Italian serves, without stumbling over syllables.

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