World Confectionery Awards 2023 extends final entry deadline

This year’s World Confectionery Awards are gathering pace alongside our World Confectionery Conference, and we are enabling an additional deadline for the industry to ensure we receive as many entries as possible for our 2023 honours.

Last year’s accolades gained a broad range of entries from right across the sector, and we are anticipating a similarly strong response this year – so we are offering an final added deadline of 7 September to complete entries (including 200 words on why your company or team is deserving of recognition), via our website where you can download a short form at – to be returned to editor Neill Barston at [email protected] or sales manager Chris Meer, [email protected] by the closing date. It will be of particular assistance to receive entries as soon as possible.

As we noted in hosting the awards previously, traditionally, confectionery, snacks and bakery markets have often been at the centre of wider industry innovation, which we aim to put firmly in the spotlight, celebrating equipment developments, sustainability, team achievements, as well finished product and ingredient innovations.

The awards, voted for entirely by professionals across the industry will mark supplier innovations across equipment, ingredients and finished product market segments. They will be presented as part of our 2023 event, which will encompass guests from the complete spectrum of the industry, from a wealth of small and medium enterprises, as well as larger businesses from around the globe. In total, there will be five supplier awards presented. Each business will be allowed to nominate a maximum of one company innovation into each of these honours.

This year’s categories include:

Equipment innovation – Dedicated to the overall design of new or existing equipment

Sustainability – Focused on initiatives delivering greater efficiency or innovative environmentally-focused performance gains across the industry

Best finished product – Showcasing dynamic new finished product confectionery lines The awards are free to enter, with companies able to place entries until 19 August to nominate in each respective category – samples to our address below will be required for the best finished product category. This will require a sample to be submitted to the following address by 5 September 2023: 57 Bath Street, Gravesend DA11 ODF, UK 

Team of the year – Marking a specific teams contribution’s and achievement to an individual business

Ingredients innovation – Celebrating major breakthroughs in ingredients

Commenting on the awards, Confectionery Production editor Neill Barston said: “Last year’s awards offered a fine finale to our event, and we anticipate that this will once again be the case for our 2023 edition. There are so many aspects of our industry that are deserving of honours, so please don’t be shy in putting yourselves forward – whether that’s for sustainability honours across the entire sector, ingredients or equipment developments.

“For the finished product section, we will require a small sample of entries, so please make sure to send an example our way at the address above, so we look forward to hearing from you in the coming weeks. It would be of genuine assistance to receive entries (forms via our website in advance of the 7 September deadline. Good luck with your entries this year.”

Neill Barston, editor, Confectionery Production

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