World Vegan Chocolate Day raises global movement’s profile

This week saw the second edition of the World Vegan Chocolate Day being celebrated, with its founder Adrian Ling considering the event as a success in terms of carrying forward its environmentally-friendly messaging.

It’s perhaps no surprise to learn it has been received favourably as an emerging showcase for the plant-based sector, that has shown an exponential growth pattern over the past few years.

We are considerably past the point of this ever being considered a passing trend, which has been evidenced by the fact that more than 629,000 people around the world last year took on the Veganuary challenge of eating a vegan diet for the whole of January. The signs are looking positive for that to be exceeded for the 2023 edition.

Furthermore, the sheer range of products that have been making their way to market in the past two or three years alone has been especially notable, and the confectionery and snacks sectors have certainly added to that situation.

Major global brands including Cadbury, Nestle and Mars have all seen vegan chocolate ranges hit our shelves in recent times that have added to the diversity of the overall sector, offering consumers an enhanced range of choice.

As Adrian Ling, CEO of Plamil Foods explained of World Vegan Chocolate Day, the two key events in the UK held on 31 January were well attended and have shown that there’s genuine interest out there in the sector, which will only be built upon in the coming years ahead.

With his company being at the forefront of the vegan movement back in the 1960s, the business has seen its So Free vegan chocolate ranges gain a notable market foothold, as one of a growing group of enterprising British businesses that are continuing to fly the flag for their environmentally-motivated cause.

Neill Barston, editor, Confectionery Production

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