Ishida offers new service package for x-ray systems targeting reduction in ownership costs

Ishida Europe has introduced an extensive product offering across its full X-ray portfolio, aiming to offer customers peace of mind and deliver a guaranteed Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of less than 3% per annum over a 5-year period.
The adoption of X-ray technology has greatly increased over the last decade as food retailers place greater quality demands on their supply base. X-ray platforms can offer significant benefits over alternative foreign body detection technologies such as metal detectors, thanks to their ability to detect a wide range of foreign body contaminants beyond metal, including glass, stones, ceramics and rubber. They can also provide additional functionality, including checking for missing items, damaged products or the correct fill level.
“An investment in X-ray technology by a food producer is a clear sign that they have a focus on ensuring the quality of their products to their end customers,” says Sibtain Naqvi, Ishida Europe’s X-ray Product Manager. “However, a concern that food companies have raised with us around X-ray technology is the additional training and the costs surrounding the replacement of some of the components.”
While the majority of the spare parts required for X-ray equipment are relatively low cost and in line with the maintenance requirements around checkweighers, the systems’ X-ray generators and line sensors can be quite costly items to replace. Ishida has therefore introduced unique low-cost service packages for new X-ray machines that incorporate complete coverage for the units over a 5-year period.
“Although these components in our X-ray inspection systems already come with standard warranties which are on average around two years, and their rugged and reliable construction means they can typically last well beyond this warranty period, we have listened to our customers and devised a package that is unlike anything else currently available on the market and which will deliver additional benefits to users,” explains Sibtain Naqvi.
The Ishida service package is paid for up front with the machine, and for all Ishida X-ray platforms the Cost of Ownership (COO) works out at less than 3% per annum. This is a very unique and radical offering that differs from alternative proposals currently available, which charge on an annual basis and link how companies are using the machine with the yearly fee paid.
By comparison, the Ishida package is based on a fixed fee with no hidden charges, and this guarantees full coverage for the X-ray inspection system over the initial five years of the machine install. Within each package, there are a wide range of additional features including two service visits per annum, calibration and validation, technical support, and all service and spare parts costs.
“Our range of packages means we can tailor a solution to individual requirements,” concludes Sibtain Naqvi. “What they all offer is cost-effectiveness and complete peace of mind for customers in ensuring they can maintain the highest quality standards for their products.”