ZDS confectionery school unveils latest 2022 event programme

The German ZDS confectionery school has confirmed its latest 2022 seminars and education courses are returning in mixed formats for audiences around the world this year, writes Neill Barston.
Its ambitious programme of live and online events kicks off with a key web seminar “Crystallisation of Cocoa Butter” from 3-4 February, following a similar themed showcase last year.
As the organisation, which last year celebrated its 70th anniversary (see our exclusive video), explained that the session will provide information what influences the crystallisation behaviour, examines the influence of minor components or addresses crystal nucleation in tempering machines.
Furthermore, as ZDS noted, as a greater number of consumers are choosing a vegetarian or completely vegan lifestyle, manufacturers are increasingly adapting their product ranges.
Catering for this, the school is staging a further web seminar “Vegetarian & vegan confectionery” from 8-9 March, demonstrating alternatives for the products of animal origin and discuss special features in the production. There are also no limits to creativity for vegan confectionery – here it will present new ideas and raw materials.
In addition, the first practical seminars will take place – conditions permitting it – at the beginning of
May (2-6 of the month): The classic “Industrial Chocolate Manufacturing: Practical Introduction Course“ delivering insights into industrial chocolate manufacturing.
This will explore characteristics of raw materials and their impact on product quality and the technology of producing chocolate products are focused. The participants get to know the stages of chocolate production from cocoa bean processing to cocoa liquor and chocolate mass manufacture.
The biggest event of the year 2022 will be the Choco Tec- held Every two years, it remains the most successful and established ZDS congress attracts more than 300 participants from 19 countries from all sectors of the chocolate industry.
Topics for 2022 will include the technology of chocolate making, food safety, new markets for chocolate,
sustainability and many more – held by internationally renowned speakers. The event will take place from December, the 13th to December, the 15th at the Congress-Centrum North in
Cologne. All information about the courses and seminars can be found at www.zds-solingen.de