YePea alternative to soy meal

GoodMills Innovation has developed a functional ingredient that can be used as a non-allergenic nut ingredient in chocolate pralines, cereal and chocolate bars.

The German company – a joint venture between milling enterprise the GoodMills Group and ingredients manufacturer Palsgaard A/S – says YePea, which is derived from the yellow pea, is an alternative to soy meal.

GoodMills passes the peas through a complex processing chain, which includes a toasting procedure at the end to achieve the golden yellow colour.

With a high content of complex carbohydrates and proteins, YePea can be used to replace chopped nuts as an ingredient in toppings and add a crunchy texture and nutty flavour in cereal bars. Peas are readily available all year round and according to GoodMills, are a more cost efficient ingredient.

For the bakery sector, YePea can serve as a texturiser in breads and small baked items. The toasted cracked peas, which can be mixed with other recipe ingredients or added after soaking, enhance water binding capacity and are said to provide a tender texture.

 In contrast to soy meal, YePea’s raw materials are only grown in Europe and are not genetically modified, GoodMills explains. Allergen labelling on end products is not required under FIC Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011.

YePea has a low fat content, which is 90% less than that of soy meal, meaning it also has a longer shelf life.


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