No one size fits all

‘No one size fits all’ is one of the key messages coming out of the Snackex exhibition and conference currently taking place in Vienna, Austria.
The way in which we consume snacks is changing, with traditional meal times becoming something of the past. What is classed as a snack is also changing. A presentation by Mintel suggested that pre-made ready meals are even categorised as snacks now. These issues are challenging snack manufacturers to position their products in the correct way using the right technology.
Meanwhile, research presented by Kerry Group, found a significant difference in what millennial consumers ate for their most recent snack versus what they actually desire. According to the results, consumers want snacks that are indulgent, but at the same time meet their better for you health needs.
The event, organised by the European Snacks Association (ESA), also has an exhibition. Key highlights include Buhler’s virtual reality, highlighting various machines, including its Solano Roaster. The machine combines a two-step roasting process with a steam pasteurisation option for granular products such as nuts and seeds. What is different about this virtual reality technology is that viewers can open and close the various machines to see how they run inside.
Baker Perkins is using the show to introduce its redesigned modular SBX Master twin-screw extruder range, with a new pre-conditioner for snacks, including those with higher protein volumes.
The ESA also revealed that the next Snackex trade fair and conference will take place in Barcelona from 27-28 June 2019.
There will be a full show review in Confectionery Production’s upcoming July/August issue.
Until next time.