Anuga FoodTec records highest ever visitor numbers

Organisers of this year’s Anuga FoodTec event in Cologne have confirmed the event was its best-ever attended, with over 50,000 visitors recorded across its four days.

The industry showcase between 20-23 March saw attendees from a total of 152 countries, evaluating some of the latest trends and products making their way to market.

Among its key features across the food and drink sector was a programme of guided tours from the DLG (German Agricultural Society) including conferences and lectures.

Katharina C. Hamma, chief operating officer of Koelnmesse GmbH, hailed the event as a success.

She said: “The renewed growth across all key figures clearly underlines this. This year’s increased number of visitors was above all attributable to the rise in the number of trade visitors from abroad.

“We were particularly able to register significant growth from the countries China, Italy, Korea, Poland, Russia and South America. The huge interest from the international guests and the high quality of the visitors shows us that the alignment and concept of Anuga FoodTec do justice to the demands of the trade fair participants.”

Dr. Reinhard Grandke, managing director of the DLG (German Agricultural Society) and chairman of the advisory board of Anuga FoodTec, also welcomed the increased footfall at the event.

He said: “The extensive specialised programme on the highly relevant key theme, resource efficiency, offered the international audience numerous opportunities to systematically learn more about the optimisation of production processes – always with the aim of consuming less energy and water and reducing the waste of food.

“In Cologne, the latest scientific findings about food technology were once again linked up with the requirements of business practice in an exemplary way.”

For a full review of the show, see our May edition of Confectionery Production magazine.

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