Final countdown for Interpack as the global show prepares to open

Finally, after six years, Interpack is just about to start in in Germany, so the Confectionery Production team is heading out there to reconnect with one of the most eagerly-anticipated gatherings of the wider packaging and processing sector.

From our coverage in our May edition, I hope that you’ll have gained a sense of how momentous an occasion this actually given the length of time that it’s been away – but none of us could have seriously predicted just how surreal the past couple of years have proved amid the pandemic.

Thankfully, it seems the worst is hopefully behind us on that front, as the live events scene continues to make a serious return in 2023 in the wake of ISM and ProSweets, which in turn through up some interesting developments last week in Cologne – the fact that they have been confirmed as returning in their traditional slot of January from next year, confirms the belief of many that that’s probably the most appropriate positioning for them.

As for Interpack itself, show director Thomas Dohse has neatly summed it up in a key video interview with us in describing the show as ‘the Olympic games of packaging and processing’ which aptly describes the sheer spectacle of this truly international showcase. So please don’t be shy in getting in touch with any of your news and views from the show – please do send any event news my way to [email protected] and we’ll be offering live coverage of the event from Düsseldorf and look forward to meeting you all there. So here’s hoping that for all those venturing over to Germany, it proves a very worthwhile experience. Let the games begin!

Neill Barston, editor, Confectionery Production

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