Linx ‘breaking new ground’ with portable CIJ printer

Linx Printing Technologies says it is ‘breaking new ground’ with the launch of a compact and portable entry-level CIJ (Continuous Ink Jet) printer.

Capable of delivering two line codes, Linx 10 is suitable for specialist and artisan producers in markets such as food and drink who are seeking their first coder, as well as contract packers who need the portability and flexibility of an easy-to-move and set-up printer.

Linx 10 is around half the weight and footprint of other CIJ printers and features a carry handle and printhead dock that makes it portable. The printer can be mounted directly onto a conveyor or production line to save space. At 53cm wide and 19cm deep, it can be placed where needed on the line, while its construction ensures print performance and quality are unaffected by line vibrations.

The company says it offers fast and easy message set-up via a colour touch screen that includes image-based code selection to reduce coding errors and speed up changeovers. In addition, Linx 10’s integrated automatic line speed sensor eliminates the need for a separate sensor attached to the line or a product detector.

This, it says, is a significant benefit where the coder is frequently moved between lines. The line speed sensor assesses the speed of a line or conveyor, ensuring codes are printed in the right place at the right time, regardless of the line speed.

The printer has also been designed so that customers have the option to service the printer themselves without the need for an engineer to attend, minimising costs and downtime.

“We believe the Linx 10 truly offers something new to the market,” says Linx Printing Technologies marketing director John Tierney. “We have incorporated some advanced technology into a very small and light coder that is easy to install, set up, operate and maintain, while delivering a good quality of code.”

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