Chocolate milk stabilisers
Premium Ingredients has introduced two new stabilizers for chocolate milk: Premigum XLB-13059 and Premitex XLB-14022.
Premigum XLB-13059 allows for an important cost saving by reducing milk powder content and is specially designed for recombined UHT chocolate milk applications. It also allows for an improved mouth-feel and creamy texture.
This stabilizer guarantees an efficient suspension of cocoa particles and avoids the typical problems of syneresis or gelation caused by the standard solutions based on carrageenan.
Premigum XLB-13059 presents a unique flexible functionality that ensures a stable product, with less MSNF (milk solids-non-fat) content and vegetable fat content.
Premitex XLB-14022 is another new stabilizer and emulsifier system developed for chocolate milk that allows an efficient suspension of cocoa particles, improving emulsion stability, creaminess and mouthfeel.