Royal wedding of Harry and Meghan sparks confectioners’ imagination

With just two weeks to go until the most talked about wedding on the planet takes place between HRH Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, it’s no surprise that industry is making the most of it.
As my colleague Alex of CanTech International explained in his blog last week – the can sector has not been slow in picking up on a fine marketing trend, with special celebratory confectionery tins finding their way on to retailers’ shelves in quite some number.
Perhaps the most eye catching of the novelty items has been from Pez, with its headline-grabbing limited edition dispensers designed with Harry and Meghan heads that are commanding thousands of pounds as part of a charity fundraising initiative.
Among the most prominent releases comes from UK high-street mainstay, Marks and Spencer, which has released a special biscuit selection to mark the big day.
In addition, I’ve also encountered companies producing a number of one-off novelties including heart shaped chocolates with Union Jack designs and royal crowns that have certainly prompted a fair deal of interest over the past few weeks.
Then there’s also the likes of British confectioner Fudge Kitchen devising its limited run of Lemon and Elderflower whipping cream fudge, which the company is expecting will do brisk business later this month.
With so many confectionery options being presented to consumers, it seems the royal wedding is going to be a very tasty occasion indeed – for both consumers and retailers alike.
Please get in touch with your royal wedding confectionery stories, or any other news at [email protected] or via social media at @confectionprod