human rights
Exclusive: Rainforest Alliance raises alarm over plans to delay flagship EUDR environmental laws
The Rainforest Alliance has added key concerns over plans put forward by the EU Commission to delay the introduction of the flagship EUDR laws aimed at preventing deforestation in European supply chains for sectors including cocoa, palm oil and soy, writes Neill Barston.
Exclusive: European Commission draws environmental concerns over proposed EUDR one year delay
The European Commission has proposed a year-long delay to its landmark EUDR frameworks aimed at tackling deforestation within key supply chains including, cocoa and palm oil, drawing sharp criticism from environmental groups including Mighty Earth, writes Neill Barston.
Ferrero makes key gains with Cocoa Charter sustainability goals
Ferrero has underlined its commitment to working collaboratively across the sector on core sourcing responsibilities and enhancing human rights, as it reports key gains in its latest Cocoa Charter Progress report, writes Neill Barston.
Fairtrade sustainability training schemes make gains in Ghana and Ivory Coast
Results from a new Fairtrade study have found that it has attained a notable expansion in sustainable practices training provision for farmers under its West African Cocoa Programme (WACP), across Ivory Coast, Ghana and Sierra Leone, writes Neill Barston.
European due diligence vote hailed as an ‘important milestone’ for supply chains
After an intense session of debate, the EU has finally agreed its corporate sustainability due diligence directive in what has been described as ‘a watered-down’ form, compelling large companies to mitigate on human rights and environmental factors in their supply chains, writes Neill Barston.
Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, New products, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
Exclusive video: World Cocoa Conference 2024 review
This year’s World Cocoa Conference produced a memorable three days of discussion and debate surrounding the future of the industry, with delivering greater farmer pay placed at the heart of the event.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
Exclusive: Queen Mathilde of Belgium praises World Cocoa Conference farmer income focus
Queen Mathilde of Belgium offered a heartfelt opening for this year’s World Cocoa Conference, welcoming the event’s core theme of a delivering a living income for farmers, reports Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Processing, Sustainability
Fairtrade International strengthens its key human rights and hired labour standards
Fairtrade International has confirmed a key enhancement of its hired labour standards within its supply chains for markets including the cocoa sector, as it seeks to prepare for major legislative reforms being put forward within the EU, reports Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
EU reportedly set to remain on track to deliver EUDR deforestation regulations as scheduled
Despite pressure from a significant number of EU nations, the European Commission is reportedly not planning to alter its projected timeline for implementing the much-anticipated EU/DR import regulations relating to key supply chains including cocoa markets, according to a fresh industry update, writes Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, Processing, Sustainability
Protesters’ petition calls on Storck confectionery to enhance action on child labour and deforestation
A petition signed by more than 41,000 concerned consumers has been sent to German confectionery group, Storck, with campaigners urging the business to ensure its chocolate supplies are child labour and deforestation-free, reports Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Regulatory, Sustainability
Fairtrade research finds living income payments deliver results for cocoa communities
Research from Fairtrade International has found cocoa farmers who were paid a living income reference price under its schemes alongside Tony’s Chocolonely and Ben & Jerry’s, earned around 15 percent more compared to government regulated farmgate prices, reports Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
World Confectionery Conference 2023 review
The 2023 edition of the World Confectionery Conference concluded successfully in Yorkshire, UK, last week, with sustainability, business resilience and industry innovation placed at the heart of the event.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Food safety, Ingredients, New products, Packaging, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
Exclusive: Caobisco opens third edition of the World Confectionery Conference
A major keynote address by Barbara Blohberger, vice president of Caobisco, championing sustainable practices, opened this year’s third edition of the World Confectionery Conference, reports Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Food safety, Ingredients, New products, Packaging, Processing
Ferrero’s sustainability report reveals continued progress on key operational goals
A core achievement has been delivered by the Ferrero Group, as it expressed confidence in achieving its principal environmental and broader operating goals as it released its 14th sustainability report, writes Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability