ProSweets 2025 set to feature revamped zones and themes enhancing visitor experience
The organising team of fast-approaching ProSweets Cologne has set out its vision for a new hall concept for the 2025 edition, focusing on delivering visible segmentation, improved orientation and themes within the event.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, New products, Packaging, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
ISM Middle East 2024 reflections: California Cultured “Choco Chat”
Confectionery Production magazine editor Neill Barston speaks exclusively to Alex Shandrovsky, of California Cultured biotech cocoa business, reflecting on this year’s ISM Middle East show in Dubai and its key trends.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, New products, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
ISM Middle East 2024 show review
Editor Neill Barston offers an exclusive video interview with key players at this year’s ISM Middle East, including Karen Beston, of PS8 (organisers of the UK pavilion), Markus Rustler, CEO of Theegarten-Pactec, Cristian Chu Salgado of Luker Chocolate, and Katharina Buschjager, ISM Middle East show director.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Food safety, Ingredients, New products, Packaging, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
Global confectionery companies gather for ISM Middle East opening
A vibrant and diverse assembly of confectionery companies from around the globe ensure that ISM Middle East opened its doors in optimistic mood today in Dubai, reports Neill. Barston.
ISM’s Lab5 is alive and set for relocation within ProSweets
A major interactive element of ISM, the live demonstration known as Lab5, is set to be relocated for the 2025 edition of the event in Cologne, Germany, and will be given its own section as part of the parallel ProSweets equipment and systems event, reports Neill Barston.
Organisers of ProSweets hail 2024 show a successful return to Cologne
The organisers of this year’s ProSweets event in Cologne have confirmed that over 13,000 trade visitors took in the broad spectrum of equipment, systems and ingredients on offer during the show, as it returned to its four-day format at the end of last month, writes Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, New products, Packaging, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
Exclusive: ISM & ProSweets 2024 review
This year’s ISM & ProSweets shows in Cologne, Germany, featured a host of dynamic exhibitors from around the world, which delivered eclectic and engaging events.
Confectionery Production editor Neill Barston speaks to key businesses at ProSweets, including Capol, DT&G Ltd, Schubert and Sacmi Packaging and Chocolate, to gain some insights into some of the latest developments across the industry.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Food safety, Ingredients, New products, Packaging, Processing, Regulatory, Sustainability
Exclusive video: ISM & ProSweets 2024 editions shine in Cologne
This year’s ISM & ProSweets shows in Cologne, Germany, featured a host of dynamic exhibitors from around the world, which delivered eclectic and engaging events.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, Packaging, Processing, Sustainability
ISM draws major global audience across key confectionery industry event in Cologne
The overall international visitor turnout for ISM Cologne in its traditional early year hit 30,000 attendees from over 140 countries, flocking to see a host of international product innovations across five major halls for the 2024 event, writes Neill Barston.
Special focus: ISM Middle East reflections
With ISM’s key Cologne event just about to start in Germany, we reflect back on its recent edition in Dubai at the World Trade Centre, which threw up plenty of surprises and notable treats from around the world. Editor Neill Barston reports
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Ingredients, Packaging, Processing, Sustainability
Pez keeps ahead of the game with new personalised edition for ISM
As fans of Star Wars and its much-missed actor Carrie Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia), will recall, she famously quipped that “You’re not famous until your head is on a PEZ dispenser,” which the brand is now tackling with the aid of a new digital app, writes Neill Barston.
WDS prepares enhanced machinery line-up for ProSweets 2024
In the wake of its major presence at Interpack, a broad array of machinery from Winkler und Dünnebier Süßwarenmaschinen (WDS) will be on display at this year’s ProSweets event in Cologne, Germany, as the event opens its doors this weekend, reports Neill Barston.
ISM & ProSweets events set to place product and consumer trends centre stage
Returning in its traditional January position, this year’s key ISM & ProSweets events are set to place major consumer and product trends under the microscope, highlighting key global industry developments, writes Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Food safety, Ingredients, Regulatory
ISM Middle East achieves highest-ever level of exhibitor space for 2023 show
A wide array of sweet treats and snacks were unveiled at this year’s ISM Middle East event in Dubai, which confirmed record exhibitor space sold and high levels of attendance in attracting a total of 12,800 visitors across its three days last week, reports Neill Barston.
Business news, Cocoa & chocolate, Food safety, Ingredients, New products, Packaging, Processing, Regulatory